If you’re a baby boomer, than you will appreciate this blog post. I was born in 1962 and raised in Queens, NY. We had to be creative when we were kids in order to have fun. We didn’t have gadgets, internet or computers.

So how did we have fun

We played Stick Ball in alleys – Played just like baseball, but with no bases. You scored runs depending on how many sewers your ball traveled without being caught.

We played Punch Ball – You hold a ball in one hand and throw it up so slightly and punch it. The game is played like baseball, with bases.

We played Stoop Ball – It’s a game where you throw a Spalding ball against steps and your opponents have to catch it. It’s played like baseball and depending on the distance the ball travels could range from a single to a home run.

We played War – This was a lot of fun because we had such a large playing field that consisted of alleys, doors and basements.

Other games included: Touch Football, Hide and Seek, Kick Ball and Wiffle Ball.

When it was raining out – we built models, painted, or played board games. We even played roller hockey in the basement.

Today, kids have digital addiction that can be good and bad. The good part about technology is that kid’s and even adults have information at their finger tips, but there is a bad side.

Kids today are far less physical, and that is why we have health issues that suggest more kids today are over-weight than kids from the baby boomer era. You hardly ever see kids playing outside, but if you go inside, you will notice that almost every kid is on a computer or playing on a game console.

Whatever happened to the good old days of playing outside?