In 1969, I was only 7 years old and I remember this historical and monumental day watching the Apollo 11 take off and land on the moon. I could still recall the words that came from Neil Armstrong as he set foot on the moon “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
A 1999 Gallup poll found that a scant 6 percent of Americans doubted the Apollo 11 moon landing happened, and there is anecdotal evidence that the ranks of such conspiracy theorists, fueled by innuendo-filled documentaries and the Internet, are growing.
I would like to know the 6% who feel that this was a hoax when back in 1969, technology was not close to being what it’s today. I watched this entire mission on our black & white 19 inch TV. This 6% must still be in horror over the famous broadcast from Orson Welles when he led thousands to believe that an interplanetary conflict had started with invading Martians spreading wide death and destruction in New Jersey and New York. This was from War of the Worlds written by HG Wells.
The Apollo 11 mission was 100% real and it marks its 40th anniversary when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon on July 20th 1969.
I was only 6 we didn’t have a T.V. but I remember listening to the radio or my mom telling me … it’s fuzzy now. I never had any doubt that it was true, I’m glad I missed the War Of The Worlds, it would have freaked me out lol
Great post Frank!
I remember when my dad told me to shut up he is walking on the moon.
Have you seen the anniversary site that NASA launched? It’s truly awesome, recreates the entire mission as if it were happening right now:
Thank you for sharing that link. I appreciate it!
I’ve always believed in the moon landing, but I’ve often wondered what made the flag behave that way in the picture as I’ve always thought there wasn’t any air, and therefore wind on the moon?
I’ve always believed in the moon landing. I guess I just never really saw a reason to not to believe. Funny thing is that I married a women who’s mom completely believed the thing never happened. I have listened to her go on for hours, she is convinced..
I’ve never doubted that “man” landed on the moon .. just not in 1969!
I personally think the evidence is overwhelmingly proof enough, despite the MythBusters team bunking the myths recently :D Let’s just agree to disagree
Please check out my Apollo 11 documentary DID WE GO?..Funded by the State of Ohio, the film is a one hour cross-country whirlwind of interviews with Buzz Aldrin, Gene Kranz, Gene Cernan , plus Laser ranging the Apollo site, and moonrock experts. Film premiered at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.
There are six parts on youtube…follow the links…I have posted it all at no charge
here is link to Part one
We went… conspiracy theorist need to simmer down on this one. Interesting not to see any crackpots who wanted to come out and play though. The moon landing was truly a great moment in history period.
The argument that it would be harder to fake the whole thing than to ‘simply’ go up there alone seems quite convincing to me :).
It’s always amazing to me how these conspiracy people believe that someone can keep a big secret, especially for decades.
NO ONE can keep a secret.
My favorite response to someone who says to me “Wanna hear a secret . . . promise not to tell?” Of course I do, and then I respond, “Your secret is as safe with me as it was with you!”
There’s always a person or group that seems to start stuff that is truly off the wall. I remember when they started analyzing the flag and questioning the validity of it.