In these times of enduring economic uncertainty, it is critical to manage your money effectively. And while in the past you might have had to turn to a professional for help with financial problems, the smartphone apps targeted at tackling these same issues which are available today give you plenty of ways to look after the pennies.
Here are just a handful of the best Android apps designed to provide people with the tools for better money management.
This app may cost a small amount to download, but it is one of the top money-management apps available at the moment and, best of all, lets you set up multiple accounts so that you can use it to keep tabs on the finances of several users.
MyMoney is accessible enough to appeal to relatively inexperienced smartphone users, but has the power to help you manage your income and outgoing expenses week by week so that you can stick to a budget.
If you are in a serious situation that even an app cannot overcome, using the income support contact number is a good way to get your finances back on track.
RedLaser is a popular barcode-scanning app for Android smartphones, recommended by the Guardian.
It turns your phone into a scanner that can be used to read barcodes when you are out and about, letting you compare prices of items with online outlets and even check up on user reviews to see if they are worth buying.
Petrol prices seem to rise almost weekly and this can be a very big expenditure if you commute by car or have a long road journey ahead of you. But this location-based app lets you find the most affordable fuel prices in the UK wherever you happen to be.
The app is free to download and used and has information on over 50,000 filling stations across the country and many other nations as well, which may be useful for those who are taking their smartphones abroad.
PayPal offers you a secure way to pay for products and services using your mobile phone, as well as receive payments from third parties when you are on the move. A lot of people don’t know PayPal is an app. Most people still only think of it as a company with a website. The app is great for checking your account on the go.
A growing number of high-street stores now accept PayPal and you can even use it to pass on money to your friends if you are paying them back for an earlier loan or squaring things up after you have been for a meal or a pint.
The secure element of PayPal is one of its most appealing aspects, because it means that you are able to transfer money and receive payments without worrying about whether your personal information has been compromised, as well as having the option to manage your money safely when you are out of the house.
Your Bank
The majority of banks today will have an app for you to download. It is a useful way of checking your balances when not near your computer or an ATM. They usually allow you to transfer money also between any accounts you have as well as make payments to anyone else who uses internet banking.
Author Bio: Neal Bricker writes on various tech-related topics for top online publications, helping consumers to navigate the world of smartphones and other modern gadgets and also save money. He recommends to anyone who doesn’t have enough income to support his family to call the income support contact number and find out how they can help him.
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wow v nice thanks dude like it really
That petrol app reminds me of my grandfather – he used to drive 25 miles to get petrol that was a penny cheaper, crazy.
We have a lot of apps which can help us save money! I use two apps and I think that is a really great thing. Thanks a lot for your list!