Twitter is more of a spam engine serving up all sorts of crazy stuff. What I don’t like about Twitter, if you are not looking at the dashboard you miss out on a lot of stuff. Go ahead and tweet an article and see how long it stays on the main page. This also depends on how many people you are following. If you are following more than 2000 people your post is gone in a flash!

Twitter is starting to come in for a landing. The growth it has seen this year is fading fast. In fact, most new members don’t even come back the following month to use the service. A new study found that more than half of those in the “Twittersphere” aren’t tweeting, aren’t following anyone, and aren’t being followed by anyone.

HubSpot’s new “State of the Twittersphere Report” for June 2009 looked a data from more than 4.5 million Twitter users, with a particular focus on “activity levels” to see how often new and existing Twitterers are actually using Twitter.

Turns out that nearly 80 percent of users haven’t added a homepage URL to their profile, while more than 75 percent never entered a bio. Even worse, 55 percent of Twitter users aren’t following anyone, 52 percent don’t have any followers of their own, and 54 percent haven’t tweeted—which, after all, is the main thing you’re supposed to do on Twitter.

The report comes on the heels of a recent Harvard Business survey that found that 90 percent of the tweeting on Twitter comes from just 10 percent of its most active users, and that the median number of “lifetime tweets” for a given Twitterer is only one.

Meanwhile, a post on Mashable notes that Twitter’s phenomenal growth in recent months has abruptly stalled, with a mere 1.47 increase in user between April and May, after blistering triple-digit spurts earlier in the year.

Happy Tweeting! If you even tweet.