WP-SpamFree is by far the best plugin I have installed. It virtually eliminates comment spam, including trackback and pingback spam and uses very low bandwidth.

I installed this plugin a week ago to give it a test drive and I am amazed that I have not had one spam comment in the last week. Our blog was averaging 40 spam comments per day and it became a pain to sift through all those spam comments.

The best features:

  • Virtually eliminates automated comment spam from bots.
  • No CAPTCHA’s, challenge questions or other inconvenience to site visitors – it works silently in the background.
  • Easy to install – truly plug and play. Just upload and activate. There’s an installation status on the plugin admin page to let you know if the plugin was installed correctly.

There are so many nice features that come with this plugin. You can read them by going here.

Special thanks to Scott Allen, aka WebGeek for sharing this wonderful plugin!

You have saved me a lot of time and now I can put that spare time to blogging.