In 1999 I was introduced to a (FPS) First Person Shooter called Delta Force. My SVP (Senior Vice President) who I worked with, put it on my desk and said, you have to try this, it’s awesome. I wasn’t big into games back than, but what the heck he seemed excited about it so I gave it a go. I got home and guess what? In about 4 hours I was hooked-line and sinker! I had to take this to the next level, and that was to create a fan site for the game made by a company called Novalogic.

I started to search the internet to see who else had the same idea. I found only 3 sites, but they only offered patches, wallpaper and few other things. I started planning on what to offer and how to create a fan base second to none.

Bingo! I created forums, tournaments, Player of the Week (POTW) and so much more. The site launched 10/8/1999 about 6 Months after the game was released, better late than never. By April of 2000 the site took off to the point I had to upgrade our server. By August 2000 we were averaging 25 million page views per month with more than 10,000 members in our forums.

The site was called, and that name became household with many gamers ages 13 to 50. was a full time job so I brought on some help, and a lot of it. We also had 3 game servers covering different game types for Delta Force. The game types were Team King of the Hill (TKOTH), Capture the Flag (CTF), and Team Death Match (TDM). was a very tight community and from that we had LAN parties all over the USA.

Unfortunately, I sold the domain and the web site around March 2001. The site started to lose it’s swagger because Novalogic orphaned the original Delta Force in mid-2000, and for good reason. They put their focus on upcoming releases, thus retiring Delta Force 1.

DFWorld is no longer live on the internet. I have tried to contact the current owner as I was thinking about starting up the web site to re-introduce old friends and to re-establish the sites popularity.

I would like to hopefully hear from one of our popular fans. Have you ever played Delta Force (The Original Release)? Were you a regular at