A company called Space Adventures is known for sending wealthy tourists into space aboard Russian rockets. On Wednesday they announced a new space traveler, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who will be the first to civilian to travel to the international space station.
Space Adventures Ltd. said Brin, a native of Moscow, had paid $5 million to reserve a seat on a future flight.
Just where and when the 35-year-old billionaire might fly is still up in the air. Since 2001, the company has sent five tourists to the space station, but it has been dreaming about other destinations, including a swing around the far side of the moon.
Brin, said in a statement that he considered his deposit an investment in the company and suggested he hadn’t decided whether to exercise his option to fly.
“I am a big believer in the exploration and commercial development of the space frontier and am looking forward to the possibility of going into space,” the statement said.
Google Inc. chief executive Eric Schmidt declined to comment, calling it a personal matter.
Wow! 5 Million dollars and you can take a flight to space.
He put a 5 million deposit, just to secure a spot. His mission is going to be atleast 35 million us dollars.