My last job I traveled a lot, I am starting to travel more with my current job and here are my 10 Tips for better Business Travel. If you follow even a couple of these it will make your trip go much easier.

  1. Get you boarding pass and seat assignment ahead of time. This will save you from standing in long lines and save you lots of time.
  2. Travel carry-on. Keep everything you need in your carry-on bag. I have a computer backpack that I can pack (business casual) for 4 days. You have to know how to use an iron, but almost all hotels have them in the rooms.
  3. Keep everything but your ID and boarding pass in your carry-on bag. The bag can go through the scanner, and you will not have to spend time unloading your pockets at the security check.
  4. Keep your laptop close. A long trip is a good time to organize emails or do other busy work you have been avoiding.
  5. Get a good set of noise canceling headphones. I find good headphones and a scotch make a long flight go by fast.
  6. Carry a kids DVD in your laptop bag. Finding Nemo is always good.  Nothing is worse than sitting next to a hyper kid and non prepared parents. You pop the DVD in your laptop and angle the laptop towards the kid, the parents and other passengers will thank you.
  7. Don’t bother with a razor or toothpaste. Most hotels supply these for free so why bother with dealing with them at the security check point.
  8. When in a strange town, ask locals where they go to eat. You will find some great restaurants that way. Check restaurant parking lots for cop cars. If there are cop cars at that restaurant in the morning, chances are, they have good breakfast there.
  9. Do not stay out to late. Nothing is worse than showing up tired, or even worse, hung over to a meeting. Get to bed early.
  10. Smile. This may seem simple, but a smile will help you in your travels. A smile instantly puts people at ease, they are more likely to help you or give you the information you need.

These are some little things I have learned while traveling. Hope they help you.
